The Black Nerite (Nerita melanotragus)
Emerson Blair Pollard 2017
Summary | |
The Black Nerite (Nerita melanotragus) is a species of
gastropod which inhabits much of the intertidal zones within the Australasian South
Pacific (Queensland to New Zealand) (Przeslawski 2011). N.melanotragus is a medium-sized marine snail ranging
from 10-30mm in size, identifiable by its distinct black shell and tan operculum. The Black Nerite tends to aggregate in groups when exposed to
increased thermal stress, a common survival behaviour seen within gastropods
living in the intertidal zone (Chapperon et al.
herbivore actively grazes on a variety of resources within the intertidal zone including plant material, bacteria, and microalgae (Chapperon et al. 2011). During low tide, this
species of gastropod commonly attaches to crevices and underneath rocks,
where on the incoming tide individuals moves out into the exposed pools to forage for
microalgae attached to the surrounding substrate (Rohde 1981). N.melanotragus are a dioecious
species and reproduce through internal fertilisation.
Physical Description | |
The Black Nerite is a marine gastropod within the phylum Mollusca. N.melanotragus is a medium-sized gastropod which is 10-30mm in length, and 15-20mm
high. This gastropod includes a uniform, smooth black shell with more than 30
fine spiral lines, orange/tan globose operculum, and white aperture. Colour of
the operculum is used to separate similar species of Nerita (Nerita atramentosa has an black operculum) (refer to Figure 1). The Black
Nerite’s shell also has a distinct worn down final body whorl. When moving, two black feeding tentacles, along with the outer edges of
the muscular foot can be seen protruding out from underneath the shell (Figure 4). The
muscular foot of N.melanotragus is black/tan, and is the primary
structure used for movement. N.melanotragus has columellar teeth
(usually one or two teeth) on the apical end of the shell’s outer lip, a feature
found within many gastropods (see Figure 3). The vestigial outer lip of this species’ shell
has no obvious crenulation (notches), yet, crenulation of the outer lip is
prevalent in other species of Nerita (Spencer et al. 2007), another defining characteristic of this species.
Figure 1 |
Figure 2 |
Figure 3 |
Figure 4 |
Ecology | |
The Black Nerite (N.melanotragus)
inhabits the intertidal zones within the rocky shores of the tropical and
temperate waters of the South Pacific. This animal’s distribution spreads over
the coastlines from south-eastern Queensland to New Zealand. The intertidal
zone (rocky shore specifically) is an environment which is exposed to the air during low tide, and
completely submerged during high tide. Therefore, organisms which inhabit this
extremely harsh environment must overcome and adapt to a range of conditions
such as: wave/wind exposure, tidal cycles, varying temperature and salinity levels.
N.melanotragus are found up to depths of 1-2m (Chapperon et al. 2013). During dry, low tide conditions, N.melanotragus
retreats back into its shell behind the operculum, where the animal
attaches itself to the surrounding substrate using mucus (Rupert et al. 2004).
N.melanotragus will usually attach to sheltered substrate such as
crevices and the underneath of rocky platforms, away from the direct sunlight
to avoid water loss. N.melanotragus then moves out of these sheltered
areas into exposed rocky pools to feed on microalgae attached to the substrate
during the incoming tide (Rohde 1981). Movement of this species around
the intertidal zone is also heavily dependent on the substrate temperature as
they are ectotherms (body temperature is relatively proportional to substrate
temperature) (Chapperon et al. 2011). These organisms are found within sheltered and heavily wave-exposed
shores, showing the adaptive nature of the Black Nerite’s muscle foot and its attachment
to the substrate (Przeslawski 2011).
Although this species is relatively confined by abiotic effects, biotic factors such as predator-prey interactions do also effect the Black Nerite's ecology. The rock shell (Dicathais orbita) is the primary predatory for the N.melanotragus, where the rock shell occupies the rock-pools within the intertidal zone. The rock shell as a common predatory gastropod within the mid-intertidal zone, which it predates upon the Black Nerite whilst it is feeding upon microalgae whilst submerged in the rock-pools (Woodcock & Benkendorff, 2008). It is thought that the distinct dark shell of the Black Nerite is used to camouflage the animal when within these rock-pools, avoiding predation.
Life History and Behaviour |
Feeding | |
N.melanotragus is a herbivore, actively
grazing on microalgae, cyanobacteria, and diatoms attached to intertidal
substrates. N.melanotragus only feeds
when submerged, hence the incoming tide is most favourable as the intertidal
zone is inundated at this time (Davey 2000). Once the tide inundates
the intertidal zone enough, this species moves from sheltered rock platforms
out into the exposed pools. The incoming tide (high tide) also is thought to replenishes
food resource deposits within this environment (Chapperon et al. 2011), meaning more microalgae for the Black Nerite when feeding during this period. Like
many other marine snails, two cephalic feeding tentacles
are constantly touching and feeling the substrate. The extension of the oral
hood from the apical end of the animal acts like a vacuum cleaner, constantly
attached and sliding across the substrate scrapping up microalgae using its
radula covered in rows of teeth (Borell 2004; Rohde 1981).
Reproduction & Development | |
N.melanotragus is a dioecious (separate sexes) species which spawns almost all-year round in small rock pools on the intertidal zones of eastern Australia, with peak spawning observed throughout summer (Przeslawski 2008; Przeslawski 2011). N.melanotragus becomes sexual active at 20 months of age. After internal fertilisation occurs, females N.melanotragusproduces white, elliptical egg capsules filled with colourless jelly (each containing 20-50 eggs), attaching it to the underside of rocks within a sheltered rock pool (Figure 5). Eggs hatch after 14-15 days after attached to the substrate (Anderson 1962). N.melanotragus larvae can emerge as both lecithotrophic veliger and crawling juveniles; however, crawling juveniles are less frequent (Przeslawski 2011). Intertidal environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, and wave exposure are thought to affect the time in which the N.melanotragus larvae is released. Hence, enabling the species to develop and use multiple modes of larvae development through hatching plasticity. Yet, it remains unknown if N.melanotragus truly displays both of larval forms (Przeslawski 2011). N.melanotragus’ juveniles take two years to reach full adult size (Underwood 1975).
Figure 5 |
Life History | |
Recent morphological and genetic evidence has suggested that what was previously known as Nerita atramentosa may have been a combination of two quite distinct species within Australia. Nerita melanotragus and Nerita atramentosahave been consistently confused within past ecological and taxonomic literature. N.melanotragus is located predominately on the eastern coast of Australia, northern New Zealand, and Norfolk Island. Whereas, N.atramentosa is distributed along southern Australia and is often confused with its warmer water relation due to their extremely similar biology (Spencer et al. 2007). One distinction between these animal’s biology is the colour of the operculum. N.melanotragus has an orange/tan operculum, and N.atramentosa has a black operculum.
Aggregation Behaviour | |
This experimental investigation aims to identify
the behavioural response of N.melanotragus individuals towards
abnormal thermal stress. It is hypothesised that N.melanotragus individuals
under increased thermal condition will show closer aggregation than under
normal conditions. N.melanotragus is said to aggregate in
large groups during warmer conditions such as a midday low tide. Displaying
such behaviour is quite common within intertidal gastropods, and is thought to
reduce dehydration, and body temperature of the animals (Chapperon et al. 2012;
Chapperon et al.2013).
N.melanotragus individuals were collected from Coolum Beach,
Queensland, Australia (26º53’97”S, 153º097’378”E). Ethics approval and
collection permits/licenses were not required for this species. Twenty-four
individuals were collected during low tide, and identified as N.melanotragus owing
to their orange/tan operculum. Only individuals that were between the sizes of
24-28mm in size were collected, this measurement was taken from the anterior to posterior ends of the shell. Specimens were then transported to the closed-circuit marine
aquarium at the University of Queensland St Lucia within 2 hours of collection. N.melanotragus specimens
were given four days to adjust and settle into the new environment before the
first experiment. Three experiments were conducted over a two-week period;
experimental set up for all experiments can be seen in Figures 6 & 7.
preliminary experiment included six specimens evenly placed out (14cm apart)
over one smaller tray, inside a larger tray hold hot freshwater (40-50ºC).
Specimens were added to the experimental tray once seawater inside the tray hit
39ºC. Experiment was conducted for 10 minutes recording observations on the behaviour of the specimens. After the
experiment, these specimens were then transported back into the marine
first of the main experiments was the treatment experiment, the specimen’s
response to thermal stress. Treatment and control experiments had both three
replicates; however, only two trays could fit inside the larger tray, meaning
two replicates were done, and then the third replicate was done after the first
two (under same starting condition). Two plastic trays holding a small amount
of seawater in each within the larger tray containing hot freshwater (40-50ºC).
Hot freshwater was refreshed between the preliminary and the first experiment.
Once the seawater within the smaller trays was heated to 36ºC, 12 new specimens
were added to the two trays (6 per tray, 14cm apart), and another 6 specimens
were added to the third replicate (18 specimens across 3 replicates).
Experiment was conducted for 35 minutes, where observations, distance to the
nearest neighbour for each of the six specimens, and the percentage of the
specimens that were aggregated at each 5-minute time interval were recorded
over the three trays. An aggregation was considered formed when direct contact
between two or more specimens occurred (Chapperon et al. 2013);
number within the aggregation was recorded and put into a percentage of the
sample population (aggregation of 2, 2/6= 33%). Two thermometers were used to
observe the water temperature of the trays, and if water was becoming too
hot/too cold, warm/cold water was added to the larger tray. The treatment
experiment held the seawater temperature at a range between 33-35ºC. After the
experiment, the specimens were transported back to the marine aquarium. One
week between the treatment and control experiments were given, ensuring that
thermal stress endured the treatment experiment did not carry over to the
control experiment.
control experiment had the same experimental set up and parameters as the
treatment; however, room temperature freshwater was added to the large tray
instead of the hot freshwater. Seawater within the smaller trays were held at
24ºC (room temperature). The same 18 Black Nerite specimens were used in both
treatment and control experiments.
Data collected from the experiments were analysed using statistical
t-tests, revealing insignificant results for both percentage aggregated (df=
10, t= 0.68, p= 0.509), and distance to nearest neighbour (df= 14, t= 1.72, p=
0.106). Although the data was found to be insignificant, an obvious
relationship between the percentage of aggregate specimens within the treatment
environment, evident through Figure 8. R2 for the
treatment and control calculated by the graph’s trend line as .918 and .0406,
showing a substantial difference. The relationship between the treatment
environment and the distance of the nearest neighbour was not seen evident
within Figure 9.
Within the preliminary
experiment, it was observed that all six specimens did not move from their
original positions, yet did stay attach to the substrate. Under such conditions
(39ºC), it is common for these animals to enter a heat coma, restricting movement
but also continuing to attach to the substrate, reflecting this animal's robust
nature (Chapperon et al. 2013).
The statistical analysis showed the experimental results as
insignificant, and therefore the original hypothesis cannot be supported. Despite
these insignificant results, the R2 values for
specimen’s aggregated (%) do reflect a substantial difference between the
treatment and control environments evident though figure 7. Aggregation
behaviour is thought to maintain the moisture and reduce the evaporation rate
by decreasing the surface-to-volume ratio in contact with the atmosphere (Chase
et al. 1980). This similar behaviour is seen within other
molluscs such as mussels, by which aggregated mussels exhibit lower
body-temperatures by 4-5ºC than solitary mussels (Helmuth 1998). The
aggregation behaviour of N.melanotragus does significantly increase water content, also assisting in
decreasing the body temperature of the aggregated animals. Not only is this
behaviour essential in regulating thermal stress, but aggregations of N.melanotragus could
potentially reduce the risk of dislodgement by waves, and effect predation by
crustaceans (Chapperon et al. 2013). Within the
preliminary experiment, it was observed that all six specimens did not move from
their original positions, yet did stay attach to the substrate. Under such
conditions (39ºC), it is common for these animals to enter a heat coma,
restricting movement but also continuing to attach to the substrate (Chapperon et al. 2013). Investigating
such thermoregulatory behaviour could suggest that mobile, intertidal
invertebrates like the Black Nerite may be less vulnerable than previously
thought to the warming climate.
Figure 6 |
Figure 7 |
Figure 8 |
Figure 9 |
Anatomy and Physiology |
Circulation | |
N.melanotragus circulatory system is
analogous to other mollusc circulatory systems, yet, owing to torsion, the
pericardial cavity and the heart has moved to the anterior visceral mass.
Vetigastropods such as N.melanotragus are diotocardian, and only hold
one atrium within its circulatory system (this can be seen within Figure 10).
Figure 10 |
Excretion | |
N.melanotragus excretory system is assumed to be similar to other intertidal
gastropods. These animals switch between two modes of excretion,
depending upon specific environmental conditions; uricotelic during the
outgoing tide and ammonotelic (ammonia is end product) on the incoming tide (Ruppert et
al. 2004). Nephridium is a blind sac surrounded by hemocoel located on the
anterior end of the visceral mass owing to torsion. Kidneys of the animal are
located at the end of the sac, connecting to the pericardial cavity with a
renopericardial canal. Nephridiopore within the excretory system opens at the
rear of the aniaml’s mantle cavity, allowing waste product to be removed by the
respiratory water current (Ruppert et al. 2004; Taylor et al. 1988).
Torsion | |
is the 180º anti-clockwise rotation of the gastropod’s visceral mass, shell,
mantle, and mantle cavity, relative to the head and foot (Figure 11). Internal features of
the gastropod larvae are then situated directly above the head because of this
process (Ghiselin 1966). The head and foot are not altered, along with the
visceral mass except for its orientation. Nerves and parts of the gut that pass
through the head and foot do become twisted as well. All gastropods are
torted or have ancestors in which were torted to some extent. Many theories
exist as to why torsion became apparent in the gastropod taxa, yet none are
compelling enough for certain understanding (Ruppert et
al. 2004).
Figure 11 |
Digestion | |
The digestive system of N.melanotragus includes:
a mouth, buccul cavity, esophagus, stomach, intestine, rectum, and anus (Figure 12).
Digestion within this animal is both intercellular and extracellular.
Extracellular digestion requires numerous enzymes to efficiently break down
microalgae. These enzymes are produced by a combination of several digestive
organs such as the salivary glands, esophageal pouches, and digestive ceca.
Extracellular digestion occurs within the stomach of the digestive tract,
whereas intercellular digestion occurs in the digestive ceca. Owing to the
torsion of the stomach 180º, the esophasgus and intestine are connected
posteriorly and anteriorly respectively (Ruppert et al. 2004).
Figure 12 |
Locomotion | |
The muscular foot is responsible for
the movement of the Black Nerite, assisting them in feeding, prey capture, and
reproduction (Figure 13 shows semi-extended foot). The columellar muscle is connected to this foot,
allowing for efficient extension and retraction. Within the sole of the foot
are tarsos muscles which also contribute to the gastropod’s locomotion
(Ruppert et al. 2004). This sole is extremely flat and broad in N.melanotragus,
reflecting the ability to move around a variety of different substrates. The
power for locomotion in the Black Nerite is provided by muscular waves moving
along the ventral surface of the foot, where these waves are attached to the
substrate surface by pedal mucus. This mucus adheres to the substrate, allowing
the animal to move/crawl (Denny 1980). An advantage of this mucus is that the
animal can chemically change the consistency of the mucus depending upon the
animal’s needs (Ruppert et al. 2004). Wave-exposed areas
require stickier gel to prevent waves washing them off the substrate, whereas
the mucus may be a less adhesive liquid when the animal is situated in
sheltered areas.
Figure 13 |
Biogeographic Distribution | |
N.melanotragus holds an extremely
broad distribution across the Australasian South Pacific over a variety of environmental
conditions. The Black Nerite is most prevalent along the eastern coastline of
Australia, and northern New Zealand. This species has also been identified
within the intertidal communities upon Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island, and
the Kermadec Islands (Figure 14).
Figure 14 |
Evolution and Systematics | |
The Mollusca phyla is considered the
largest phylum within the Animalia kingdom in which is separated into six
diverse classes: Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Scaphophoda, Cephlapoda, Alsopachophore,
and Polyplacophora (Ruppert et al. 2004). Organisms within Class Gastropoda are generally classified by the dorsal
placement of the viscera, cephalization and posterior location of the mantle
cavity (Brusca & Brusca, 2002). This class includes five well-recognized monophyletic clades,
where N.melanotragus is considered under the Neritimorpha. The
relationships between Neritimorpha and the other Gastropoda clades is
relatively variable throughout studies. However, DNA analysis has identified this
clade to be a sister group to the Apogastropoda clade (limpets and
operculate snails), and the Caenogastropoda clade (periwinkles) to be a
sister group to the Neritimorpha (refer to phylogenetic tree Figure 15). Neritimorpha is characterised
by a variety of diverse morphologies such as spiral, conical shells, evolved
limpets, and slug-like forms. This clade includes species from a wide range of
habitats (intertidal to deep-sea vents), specifically reflecting the extraordinary
morphological and ecological diversity achieved by the all organisms within Class
Gastropoda (Castro & Colgan, 2010).
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Gastropoda
Subclass: Neritimorpha
Superfamily: Neritoidea
Genus: Nerita
Species: N. melanotragus
Common Name: Black Nerite (WoRMS 2011)
Figure 15 |
Conservation and Threats | |
N.melanotragus has not yet been
assessed by the IUCN, whereby the current status of this species is unknown.
Increasing global warming is the greatest threat for any marine invertebrate
during the present day, causing habitat loss, reducing essential resources,
increased populations of invasive species, and human impacts (Powell 1978). Specifically,
for the Black Nerite being an intertidal marine invertebrate, continued sea level
rise is gradually reducing their intertidal habitat. However, recent studies have
suggested that mobile intertidal invertebrates such as N.melanotragus, are
less vulnerable to extreme heat conditions/warming than previously thought. This
is because of the intraspecific flexibility of mobile ectotherms to display
different behaviours (eg. aggregation), allowing them to buffer heat and reduce
desiccation stress (Chapperon et al.
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